A hot news from Cratima - we launch a web site, blog and forum
Released on = July 3, 2006, 8:35 am
Press Release Author = Olivian Breda
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = www.cratima.com was just launched internationally! We also have a brand new forum and blog. More than this: the web site, the forum and the blog have a Romanian version, too.
Press Release Body = BUCHAREST, (July 3rd, 2006). It\'s about time: a first news from Cratima - www.cratima.com was just launched internationally! We also have a brand new forum and blog. More than this: the web site, the forum and the blog have a Romanian version, too.
Cratima launches today, 27th of June 2006, a new web site, in line with its new identity. Interactive and easy to use, www.cratima.com manages to combine an excellent design with a complete functionality. The aim of this web site is similar to the idea behind Cratima. Therefore, if by Cratima we try to open a connection bridge and reinforce the relation between our clients and us, www.cratima.com is the visual interface of the same idea: the bridge idea.
The site, divided into two big categories, which follow the brand\'s architecture - Cratima InterActive and Cratima Software -, contains, among others, news on Cratima, company presentation, portfolio and clients testimonials.
We want you to be the first to know of launching two blogs specialized in news and of launching two IT forums. We have an English and a Romanian version of these.
The news blogs are dedicated to the following fields: Internet, Graphic design, Programming, Web design and development, and Outsourcing. The International blog will be completely different from the Romanian blog. We are glad to inform you that the blogs will be updated in each working days with relevant information.
The IT forums have an impressive design, and the discussion topics are grouped on categories. Of course, the first category could only be a category dedicated to feed-back. The added value of the forums is given by the fact the IT specialists of Cratima contribute to the forum activity. We think that a very popular section will be the general issues IT sections. Here one will find IT subjects that don\'t specifically focus on a very narrow field, or talks on life.
Cratima is a company with a team of experienced programmers and graphic artists, organized in two main divisions: Cratima Interactive and Cratima Software.
We invite you to visit our blogs and forums: 1. http://cratima-en.blogspot.com - blog - English 2. http://cratima-ro.blogspot.com - blog - Romanian 3. http://forum.cratima.com - forum - English 4. http://forum.cratima.ro - forum - Romanian
We will keep you updated, so you will find out more about us as soon as we launch new interaction services dedicated to communicating with our clients.
Contact information: Company name: Cratima Address: 3 Sirenelor St., Bucharest, 050856 Romania Phone: +40 21 410 20 27, +40 21 410 59 76 +40 21 402 81 76, +40 21 402 89 19 Phone/Fax: +40 21 315 76 12 E-mail: office@cratima.com Web site: www.cratima.com
Web Site = http://www.cratima.com
Contact Details = 3, Sirenelor av.
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